NSC specializes in providing wide range of laboratory supplies including glassware apparatus,disposables, equipments, and lab chemicals.

- Nanotechnologies
Electron Microscopy
Atomic Force Microscope & Profilometer, tribology and indentation
Deposition Tools, MBE,CVD, ALD, MOCVD,PLD etc.
UHV Surface Analysis Equipment, XPS, SIMS,RAMAN etc.
- Test and Measurements
- Thermal Analysis
TGA, DSC, TMA etc - Particle Size Analysis, Image Analysis and Zeta Potential Measurements
- Physical and Magnetic Property Measurement Systems
VSM,SQUID - Material Testing Equipment
- Bulk Spectroscopy
XRD, XRF, XRD/XRF - Cleanroom Solutions for Universities, Research Labs, Biotechnology, Microelectronics & Pharma Industries etc
Our Partners
WITec microscopy systems feature nondestructive, nano-analytical techniques such as Raman imaging, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy. We apply our long-term experience with these methods to develop innovative imaging systems that ensure the best performance and reliability.
WITec microscopy systems feature nondestructive, nano-analytical techniques such as Raman imaging, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy. We apply our long-term experience with these methods to develop innovative imaging systems that ensure the best performance and reliability.
Xplore’s next generation micro compounding and shaping instruments are designed for formulation development, feasibility studies, solving technical marketing issues and screening of polymer materials, rubber compounds, biomedical and pharmaceutical formulations, energetic materials and nutritional products
Seron Technologies Inc.
Seron Technologies Inc. is specialized in electron beam and optic designed technology and developed various E-beam equipment.We have expanded our market from domestic to overseas with our upgraded SEM series and innovative E-beam equipment,and achieved reliable reputations from our respectable worldwide customers from universities, laboratories, and industries.
Our whole range of products encloses thermo-analytic measuring instruments for research and quality control in the plastics industry, the chemical industry, in the area of the inorganic materials and building materials as well as the environmental analytics and devices to the regulation of thermo-physical qualities in solids, glazes and liquids.
Bourevestnik JSC
High proficiency of specialists, unique knowledge, profound experience in the relative activity, application of innovative technologies, extensive cooperation with leading research and production organizations allow Bourevestnik, JSC to offer the high-tech equipment that meets all the requirements of numerous customers and complies with the world state of art.
Micromeritics Instruments Corporation
Micromeritics Instruments Corporation is leading supplier of Equipment for Materials Characterization through various techniques like Physisorption & Chemisorption ,Surface Area and Porosity measurements ,Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry ,Pycnometry for determination of either true and apparent volume and density ,Powder Rheology for measuring powder flow properties, Microreactors for Catalytic studies ,Lab Scale Pilot Plants for gasification/pyrolysis, hydrotreatment processes, polymerization, super critical extractions studies, customized solutions and Particle Size and Shape Analysis Equipment.
Quest Air Technology
Design and build cleanrooms and clean air devices including ACMV/HVAC systems. Clean-room performance testing and certification (accredited by NEBB). Sales, calibration and servicing of contamination control and monitoring instruments
Laboratory engineering and equipment supplies like bio-safety cabinets, isolators, fume cupboards and laminar flow hoods
Laboratory engineering and equipment supplies like bio-safety cabinets, isolators, fume cupboards and laminar flow hoods
Micro-XRF and TXRF. Micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (Micro-XRF) is the method of choice for the elemental analysis of non-homogeneous or irregularly shaped samples as well as small samples or even inclusions. Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) is a well-established method for trace element analysis on a variety of samples.